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Chiropractic Defense Council

Organizing the Profession for Chiropractic Justice:
Over 700 Legal, Policy Victories and Counting

By the Numbers…


Countries CDC Represents
Cases Requesting Defense
Cases Defended
Cases Actively Underway
CDC Member/Warriors Actively Defending Chiropractic


Cases We Had to Deny

Even with your generous support, the need still grows to defend the profession you have dedicated your life to. Every case won, is a win for you. Every case we cannot pursue marks another victory for those that wish to strip the profession of its reach, impact and longevity…

Whether you choose to believe it or not.
Chiropractic is under siege.


The fractured profession struggles to find common ground on philosophical differences, all while government and regulatory agencies continue to strip away your rights to practice the profession you have dedicated your life to.  

There are clear and present dangers on the immediate horizon that could alter our ability to practice as “Natural Healers”, especially in a post-Covid world. Regulations and mandates loom over our rights to practice and live in alignment with our principles.

In 2020, everything we knew was thrown out the window. As global markets shut down, due to the looming pandemic, governments forced businesses to shut their doors, barring chiropractors from seeing patients, or forcing mandates in order to practice.

As we begin to come back out of the pandemic, there is a growing, false sense of security. The precedent has been set and who is going to have your back when THEIR decisions impact your livelihood? 

In A Post-Covid World We Are Facing Threats We’ve Never Faced Before. Chiropractors are asking these questions worldwide;

"How will the recent vaccine mandates effect my practice? Will they try to shut me down?"
"What if the government tries to restrict my scope of practice or my ability to take X-rays?"
"Will they try to stop us from treating children? How far will the government over-reach?"

The need to protect the rights of practicing chiropractors across the globe continues to grow. No matter your views on your personal chiropractic philosophies, religious affiliations, political affiliations, or income, you should be guaranteed certain inalienable rights.

If the global pandemic has taught us anything, it is that the right of individuals and practitioners can change instantly. How you practice, where you practice, and how you may be compensated are now the jurisdiction of local and national governments and organizations.

In 2021, the Chiropractic Defense Counsel (CDC) was formed to support the profession. For many in the profession, state boards, associations, and even insurers are not interested in the individual rights of chiropractors in practice or may even work against them through heavy-handed regulations and oversight.

The mission of the CDC is to reengage a profession that is vastly uninspired and uninvolved at local and national levels in markets across the globe.

It is time to make chiropractic the #1 choice in healthcare.


Hot off the Press

The Official Publication for One Chiropractic and the Chiropractic Defense Council

Explore the intersection of law, policy & chiropractic in the only publication dedicated to the defense of the practice of chiropractic.

Read Issue 1
Read Issue 2

Breaking News

John Adams once said "Always stand on principle...even if you stand alone."

With CDC, you are never alone.

Click Here to Support the Cause

Chiropractor’s Bill of Rights

A comprehensive guide on the inalienable rights of chiropractors & what to do when your profession is under siege.

There are clear and present dangers on the immediate horizon that could fundamentally alter our ability to practice as chiropractors in a post-COVID world. Regulations and mandates that loom over our rights to practice and live in alignment with our principles are a very real and significant threat.
The Chiropractic Defense Council has a singular focus…

Protecting The Rights Of Practicing Chiropractors Around The World!

Claim Your Copy Now

We ARE the TIP of the SPEAR!

Click Here for More Testimonials

“My investment in this cause is by far the best investment I have made towards the freedom of the rights of our society. Especially for the rights for us to practice and to continue to serve our community. This will give us a stronger voice, especially as a GROUP, towards what is right in the world. You are saving lives, thank you CDC!”

Brett Grant DCNSW Australia

“I wholeheartedly support and endorse The Chiropractic Defense Council because they have the resources, the firepower, the passion, and the knowledge to defend what I love most.... The Chiropractic Defense Council supports CHIROPRACTIC and CHIROPACTORS who serve through their hearts and hands.”

Barbara Eaton DCChiropractor

“I wanted to express my gratitude for you and what you're doing with The Chiropractic Defense Council to support chiropractors worldwide. I feel at ease knowing we are supported by something bigger than ourselves. It has given our team a huge amount of peace despite the craziness surround us all.”

Dr. Leanne DCChiropractor

Current CDC Hotzones

Current Legal Issues Facing Chiropractic Across the Globe

The State of Chiropractic | Podcast

Where in the World is Bharon Hoag

Check out upcoming conferences, speaking engagements, townhalls and more featuring Bharon Hoag of One Chiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council

Upcoming Events

April 26 – 28
Michigan Association of Chiropractors Spring Convention – Traverse City, MI
June 7 – 9
The Remarkable Practice Intensive – Nashville, TN
June 10 – 15
The Academy for the Advancement of Animal Chiropractic Annual CE – Costa Rica
Australia & New Zealand - OneChiropractic Tour
October 25 – 27
LUX Talks in British Columbia – Canada
August 15 – 18
The FCA National – Orlando, FL
November 14 – 17
The Chiropractic Congress Annual Event – Denver, CO


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