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Australia Update 06-06-22

By June 6, 2022Breaking News

Update Australia 06-06-22

Today, we’re talking about our further update in our legal case, within Queensland, as well as what we’re starting to see coming from OPRA, and also a warning to you about some of the games that we believe are being played throughout Australia. So please pay close attention to everything we’re talking about today. So good morning, Australian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag. I am the Executive Director of OneChiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, June 6th, 2022 for your weekly update. So last week I gave you a lot of information bringing you up to speed on what we’re doing and, and where we’re at. So hopefully that was beneficial to you. We did meet with our legal team again this past week to get a little bit more information on exactly where we’re standing, ensuring that the legal case is going to meet the new world that we’re dealing with legislation and it, and as a matter of fact, it will our case is stronger than actually, it was before.

So at this point now we’re just in a fundraising mode for this. It’s looking, we’re hoping within the next month and a half that we’re going to have this thing filed. We are actively doing fundraising at this point. The dollar amount coming in is a bit higher than we had anticipated due to the additional work and the level of experts that we’re having to bring in. So we need to have a certain amount of money in the bank, or rather in their trust for them to feel confident to move forward. So we’re actively working with that. I’m doing some here in the United States going after people that have some international interest, as well as you know, other countries explaining that the court case that we’re running there in Australia is going to help the world. It’s going to be beneficial to you guys.

But it’s also going to set a precedent. And it’s an argument that I have not known that’s run anywhere in the world. And so our whole objective with this is to make a difference, not only for what we’re dealing with now but to prevent things from happening in the future. And that’s exactly what this case is going to do. I’m empowered by what our legal team is telling us as they gave me more information. It was very good. So now we’re just in a hard, fast mode of fundraising. I do want to make a plea. I’m not asking you to watch this video. If you’ve been a contributor and you’ve given before, I’m not asking you to give more money. I appreciate what you’ve given already. This is not a plea to you, but I am asking you to spread the word.

We need to raise 200,000 Australian dollars to get into that kitty. We have some of that already, but it’s going to take more than that to run this case about a half a million from this point on, we’ve already paid over 300,000. But we need about another 500 to get this thing all the way through. So we need 200 as fast as we can. And if you know independently wealthy people, if you know someone that’s motivated by this issue, but maybe not familiar with our group, I’m asking you to please plug them in and get them introduced to me or Tim. We want to talk to them. The best thing that we can do right now is to grow our influence. Not necessarily ask the same people to give more money. If you choose to do that, I’m not going to stop you, but that’s not my request. My request is that we connect with people. That’s a lot of money to us individually, but that’s not very much to organizations and groups that are motivated by the same thing we are. And no one has done the work that we’ve done at this time. And we can save them a ton of money if they join with our effort. So that’s my request immediately this week. I need you to push forward with that. So the legal case is really at this point, limited by finances, and we’re going to continue to raise those monies.

I’m confident we’re going to be able to get that done here within a month. And then it’s just a matter of pushing everything forward. So our legal team has that order and we’ll move forward on that at the appropriate time. As far as other things that are happening, we are seeing Opera starting to really kind of resurface a little bit. This isn’t a scary thing. This isn’t a bad thing. We just want you to be aware of it, that we’re aware of what they’re doing. Our legal team is on top of it. They’re saying it’s not hard to deal with. So I just don’t want people freaking out if they start getting letters from Opera. These would be individuals that have already maybe had complaints with Opera, and they’re kind of circling back, things of that nature. So don’t think that this is another wave or there’s anything new that’s happening.

We want you to stay calm. We want you to stay connected to us, and we are going to continue to guide you through that process. Lastly, today I want to talk to you about how we’re starting to see that there are quote-unquote anti-vax forums that are starting to be created. We need you to stay off of those. We’re finding out that those are not anti-vax forums. What they are is people are trying to bait providers to find out who is an anti-vax or the new complaints we’re getting from Opera are not even about your vaccination status. It’s about whether you’re encouraging anti-vax sentiments, which again, it’s easy to defend, but it’s just not fun to have to defend. So I’m asking you guys to stay out of the radical side of this. Just keep your head down, keep practicing, keep loving and serving, and let us take care of the rest.

And if you do that, we’re finding across the country, everyone is doing just fine. So please don’t put yourself in a position that you don’t want to be in. Make sure that we’re working together, we’re communicating and we’re going to be just fine as we continue to push this forward. So that’s what I have for you today, guys. I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for your continued emails. Thank you for your communication. Sending me the information that you’re sending me does help as I share that with our team. I just want you to know that we’re digging in more than ever. If you have contacts for us that we can use, I would greatly appreciate it. We love you. We appreciate you. Things are heading our way. We just need to continue to stick together. God bless your week. We’ll talk to you next Monday. Bye-Bye.

(This is a computer-generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)