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Update Australia 02-28-22

By February 26, 2022Breaking News

We had some incredible meetings this week with our legal team, really putting the final touches on our lawsuit in Queensland. And we’re also continuing to see successful defense of providers that have had any type of a complaint. But today I want to talk with you about what we’re expecting moving forward, and also what’s happening around the rest of the world and how that’s going to actually impact you in Australia. So make sure you pay attention to what we talk about today. Good morning Australian chiropractors and allied health professionals. My name is Bharon Hoag the executive director of One Chiropractic and The Chiropractic Defense Council coming to you today, Monday, February 28th, 2022 for your weekly update. So lots of stuff happening as always. The biggest thing that we’re starting to see actually in New Zealand, which has been a, a pretty horrific scene for us in defending the rights of chiropractors and allied health professionals just had a phenomenal breakthrough.

They actually just had a lawsuit that went to the high court that ruled in favor of the police in the defense force, basically stating that the mandate violates the bill of rights for New Zealand citizens. So that’s a pretty significant win. We’re really doing our best to exploit that, to make sure that it impacts the, the lives of our health providers. But that’s just another example of what’s happening across the world. That’s tearing this tyranny that’s been happening through our government. So I’m very excited about that. We had a, another good call with our legal team. We’re in the final stages of introducing our lawsuit in Queensland. Again, this suit is going to affect the entire country. It’s been taking as long as it’s been taking because of how diligently we’re going after every aspect of this particular case, we’re actually gonna be doing a zoom meeting with you guys either this week or it’ll be early next week.

So we’ll be looking for that, but we’ll bring in our attorney to be really setting the stage for what’s going on. We’re at the point now where we’re gonna be spending some serious money to make sure that the, this thing goes to the distance. So we wanna share with everyone exactly the different nuances of what this case is about how it’s working. Obviously we can’t share with you absolutely everything because we don’t wanna give away our strategy, but we do want you guys to be informed on what you can expect as this thing moves forward. I will also tell you, we have another week of phenomenal defense. Our legal team is doing an incredible job of defending more and more individuals. We are starting to see more visits from health officers. We’re seeing more not necessarily complaints, but just random stop ins. Those have picked up a little bit. I don’t say that to in any way scare you because we’re still having a very success full defense of those particular situations, but we are starting to see a little bit of an increase in that activity. But we want you to continue to make sure that you’re using the resources on our website. You’re making

Sure that you’re following your COVID safe plan, that you are reading the information of what to do. If someone shows up to your office and then reaching out to us immediately. So our legal team can work with you again, every time we work with someone, we gain new information and more confidence and our ability to defend you. That’s really one of our biggest gifts for you. So please make sure that you utilize that feature if you’re a contributing individual. We are, again, we’re gonna be coming to you with a zoom here shortly. It’ll either be this week or early next week. So please be looking out for that. You’re not gonna wanna miss the details about that particular lawsuit. So things are still moving forward. The rest of the world is, is coming along nicely. We expect that to continue to play into Australia as well. So stay connected, make sure you’re watching these videos. You’re looking at your emails, looking at the telegram and we’ll be giving you more information as we move forward. So we thank you. We appreciate you. We love you for your support. Keep spreading the word, let others know about what we’re doing and how doing it. And we’ll be back at you very soon with that zoom. So thank you, God bless you have an incredible week and we’ll talk to you next week. Take care. God bless.

(This is a computer generated transcript. Please forgive any errors.)